For all those who fervently support Hamas and echo the repetitive call for free Palestine, denouncing colonialism and decrying Zionism as an obstacle, I implore you to truly understand the nature of the group you are backing.
This recommendation comes with an earnest intention to shed light on the reality you may not be aware of.
Here is a concise summary.
The True Ideology of Hamas
The 1988 Hamas Covenant, also known as the Hamas Charter, is a comprehensive manifesto composed of 36 articles, reflecting the ideological stance and objectives of Hamas. Key points from this document include: Goals of Hamas: It positions itself as a distinct Palestinian movement with allegiance to Allah and Islam as its way of life, striving to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine (Article 6).
Destruction of Israel
The preamble of the document states that Israel will continue to exist until Islam obliterates it, as it obliterated others before it.
Exclusive Muslim Nature of the Area
Article 11 describes Palestine as an Islamic Waqf (Holy Possession), consecrated for future Muslim generations until Judgment Day, declaring that no one can renounce, abandon, or relinquish any part of it.
Call to Jihad
Article 15 states that when enemies usurp part of Muslim land, Jihad becomes an individual duty for every Muslim.
Rejection of a Negotiated Peace Settlement
Article 13 expresses opposition to peace initiatives and international conferences, viewing them as contradictory to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.
Anti-Semitic Incitement
Article 7 contains a controversial statement about the Day of Judgment not coming until Muslims fight and kill Jews, who will hide behind rocks and trees.
Condemnation of the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty
Article 32 criticizes the Camp David Agreement, viewing departures from the struggle against Zionism as high treason.
Hassan al-Banna's Teachings
Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, emphasized two key Islamic duties: individual obligation (Fard 'Ayn) & collective obligation (Fard Kifaya).
Fard 'Ayn: Individual Obligations.
Each Muslim's personal duty to adhere to Islamic teachings - like daily prayers and fasting during Ramadan. A call for personal responsibility in faith. In the context of the Hamas Charter, this principle is reflected in the emphasis on personal commitment to the Islamic resistance and the struggle against what they perceive as Israeli occupation. It underlines the role of individual Muslims in upholding their faith and engaging in resistance as part of their religious duty.
Fard Kifaya: Collective Obligations.
The community's shared duties, like defense and education in Islamic principles. It's about societal responsibility to establish a just Islamic society.
According to these principles, it is an individual religious duty (Fard 'Ayn) for Muslims to fight for lands that were once under Muslim control. This perspective suggests that the conflict with Israel is not just a reaction to modern political disputes but is seen as a religiously mandated effort to reclaim historically Muslim lands.
The concept of Fard 'Ayn may offer an explanation for the participation of Gaza civilians in events like the October 7th actions against Israeli innocents. This principle suggests a personal religious responsibility to engage in the struggle, transcending typical political or territorial motivations.
In Conclusion
In the Israel-Palestine conflict, Hamas’s interpretation of these principles has led to a stance that combines religious fervor with political activism. The group's Charter, inspired by Al-Banna's teachings, advocates for an Islamic resistance to what they view as occupation, and for the establishment of an Islamic state in place of Israel. This blend of individual and collective Islamic duties in a political context has been a driving force behind Hamas's strategies and actions in the conflict.
The influence of Al-Banna’s principles on Hamas thus contributes significantly to the group’s ideological foundation, shaping its objectives, methods, and its role in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.
So, before mindlessly backing Hamas and spouting their lies, pause and closely examine the real intentions lurking beneath their religious schemes.